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TheBigCheese Bouk

Portrait de TheBigCheese Bouk
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A rejoint: 16 novembre 2017
Contributions: 1
Texte de présentation: 

Emotionless passion....

"Odysseus, on his journey home to Ithaca, was visited by a ghost. The ghost tells him that once he reaches his home, once he slays all his enemies and sets his house in order, he must do one last thing before he can rest. The ghost tells him to pick up an oar and walk inland. And keep walking until somebody mistakes that oar for a shovel. For that would be the place that no man had ever been troubled by the sea. And that's where he'd find peace.

In the end, that's all I want.
To walk away from the sea and find some peace."

Contributions de TheBigCheese Bouk sur le forum

Forum Contribution Dernière mise à jour du sujet
La Taverne du Chaton Re: [Le TOP de la Semaine] TOP 5 Survival-Horror "Special Halloween"
sam 31 oct 2020, à 14h46
1- Silent Hill 3 Mon survival Horror ultime et un de mes jeux préférés de tout les temps pour la simple et bonne raison de la manière dont il parle des thèmes liés...
dim 7 avr 2024, à 12h29